SHREE STUDIES, the Most Popular Brand in GPSC
Coaching. The only classroom coaching to deliver result in
first attempt with highest success ratio in Ahmedabad.
BOOST is a National level Scholarship cum Real Time
Aptitude testing platform for the upcoming Global leaders.
BOOST gives an unique opportunity for students to test their
knowledge and elevate their future academic strength.
Student studying in under graduate program & those who
completed graduation degree.
Test Date :
1. BOOST Phase I - 29 DEC 2018
2. BOOST Phase II - 05 JAN 2018
3. BOOST Phase III - 12 JAN 2018
4. BOOST Phase IV - 19 JAN 2018
5. BOOST Phase V - 26 JAN 2018
:: Rewards & Awards ::
Prizes for Toppers of
Each Phase
Rank 1
Hero Splendor Plus
Rank 2
51,000 Rs check
Rank 3
Scholarships Up to 90% in Classroom Program.
BOOST Prizes Terms & Conditions :
1. BOOST prizes will be given phase wise to top 3 rankers.
2. BOOST prizes will be given in the month of February
2019 to the students who will take admission in Classroom
Course of Shree Studies Ahmedabad.
Scholarship Criteria :
1. Students will be offered upto 90% Scholarship in Classroom
program on the basis of BOOST.
On the basis of Performance in BOOST